We took Dougie in to get his hair cut yesterday. It was almost in his eyes in the front and it was well over his ears on the side.
This time, we decided to go to the same place Scott goes. We liked the place last time but, though it was cute, it wasn't as good a cut as we was hoping for. This cut is fabulous though. You can even tell that he cut his hair!
Dougie Before (in his old man jammies) - it's so long it's brushed to the side
Dougie After
Okay, well, we think it looks different. :)
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Dougie's New Do
Posted by
11:56 AM
The wrapping paper is away and most of the presents have been put into their proper homes. The Christmas decorations are even coming down tomorrow. What a wonderful holiday we had.
We starting things off with stockings, as we always do. Dougie was excited to use his new personalized one.
Oooh, Santa brought Puffs
And... socks? (I hope you're noticing the matching jammies)
And of course, a clementine
Playing with a car while he waits for everyone else to finish opening their stockings.
Then it was time to open presents
Dougie is still working on his present opening skills but he got on top of the problem
After the presents were opened, we went to IHOP to breakfast and then settled in for a calm day. We bought a "family gift" of a new TV and a Wii for Christmas so that provided plenty of entertainment. We had a small turkey breast and the usual Christmas sides.
It was a great holiday!
Posted by
11:11 AM
Christmas Cookies, Part 2
Through the bustle of Christmas, I never got around to posting part 2 of the cookie-making activity... so here it is. We did these on Christmas Eve afternoon, just in time for Santa's imminent arrival.
Going in for a pig...
Mummy gets into the cookie spirit
"Daddy, when I said lots of sprinkles, I meant LOTS!!!"
Dad's final cookies -- including the massive Snoopy doghouse cookie and a plain pig
Mum's final cookies -- with a heavy transportation theme
Posted by
11:00 AM
Monday, December 24, 2007
First Hockey Game
Texas has many sports passions -- football, NASCAR, football, tobacco chewing and football -- but hockey is not one of them. There is essentially no national TV coverage available here (don't even ask about getting Don Cherry -- though through the wonders of the Internet, even Texans can get access to the wisdom of Coach's Corner). We do get pretty decent coverage of the Dallas Stars on local TV but the NHL schedule makes it pretty rare to see either Montreal or Toronto -- which is a potential hurdle to the proper cultural development of our little man.
However, the hockey gods smiled on us yesterday -- Montreal came to Dallas for the first time in 2 years. We figured that Dougie was still a bit little to enjoy the game in person (especially for the price!) but we settled in at home to watch a bit of the game. (Our official "first sporting event" in HDTV!) We gave up after the first period as Dougie was starting to wane, but we had a good time all the same.
A couple of pictures of the two hockey fans:
Laying out the jerseys before the games (thanks to Auntie Suz for the extra-extra-extra small!)
What's the old Rocket Richard commercial... "Two minutes for looking so good!"
The newest Habs fan (gives new meaning to the term 'short-handed'!)
Dougie takes his first dive
Posted by
8:33 AM
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Christmas Cookies, Part 1
An important part of the Sharabura family Christmas tradition (along with the infamous clementine-in-the-stocking) is the making of Christmas cookies. Ever since I can remember, each of the kids has received a chunk of dough that we mixed up, rolled out, cut the cookies, decorated and baked them. This also includes various sub-traditions..
- Fighting over who got the bigger chunk of dough (we didn't have a kitchen scale)
- Arguments over the optimum thickness of cookie (Mike always seemed to make them thick enough to have just 2 or 3 cookies)
- In a related debate, is it better to make many small cookies vs. investing all your dough into the big Snoopy doghouse
- Amazement at the various colors that Steve would use for frosting (I seem to remember orange, purple and green... no, not all in the same year, although I wouldn't put that out of the realm of possibility)
- What was the best canned good to use to prevent the pastry sheets from rolling up -- apple juice and soup were always a popular choice
- What the retail folks refer to as "shrinkage" -- the inevitable loss of raw cookie dough due to cutout scraps and random tasting
- ALWAYS a request from Dad for a thick, unsprinkled pig
Since Dougie missed out last year (contrary to popular belief, 10-day-old babies are not the most skilled cookie makers around) we figured that it was our duty to get things going this year. Yesterday, we made the dough -- apparently 12-month-old toddlers are still not that helpful but we're hoping that Dougie will have some fun with the cookie cutting later today.
Some pictures of the dough making...
Dougie and Daddy in the kitchen -- only a bit of flour on the nose!
Dougie is ready to start cutting cookies (yes, that is the infamous pig mold)
Posted by
9:46 AM
Blood Test Update
We got Dougie's blood test results back. His liver function test showed no issues and his lead level had actually decreased a point. In truth, that could just be a different lab running the test but I feel pretty certain that it isn't getting worse so I'm just going to hold on to that. All in all, a great report!
Posted by
8:53 AM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
12 Month Check-up
On Monday, we brought Dougie in for his 12 Month check-up. Poor little guy wasn't feeling too well anyway so the trip was well timed.
- Weight - 20lbs 5oz (17%)
- Height - 29" (25%)
- Head - 18.5" (69%)
As you can see, he's still a little guy though he is creeping above his standard growth line. The doctor is still pretty convinced that Dougie will end up being about 5'11" (despite my insisting that Sharabura's are tall), so, we'll see.
We got Dougie a Hep A shot while we were there. We'll need to go back in a month or so to get the MMR vaccine and we're going to hold off on the chicken pox vaccine for a while. It just isn't as good as actually getting chicken pox so we want to give Dougie a bit of time to see if he catches it.
They also took a ton of blood for various testing. We're expecting the results of that this morning. They tested Dougie's liver function as well as another lead level test. Both those results were a bit off in his last round of testing. The doctor felt the liver count was off because of the iron therapy and wasn't concerned but just wants to be sure it isn't something serious. The lead level we're just ensuring hasn't gotten worse. Once we know more about those tests, we'll let you know.
The doctor said that Dougie was doing really well though. He's well on target with his development.
Posted by
8:55 AM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Birthday Party Fun
We decided to just have a very small party for Dougie this year. We considered trying to throw a bigger shindig but we thought for his first year a party with just us would be nice. So, that's what we did. I didn't want him to miss out on anything though, so we made the party we did have a big deal.
We decorated the playroom
We even had party hats
Then Dougie started into his presents
Through whatever means necessary
This one was Daddy's favourite (thanks Auntie Suz!!)
Dougie eventually learned how to rip the paper
Dougie loved his wooden bench
And then proceeded to try to open all the other presents with his mallet
Mum helped open some too
Then it was time for cake
(it's supposed to be a hippo)
We all had a great time. Dougie seemed to understand that it was a special day, even if he didn't understand why.
Posted by
8:40 PM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Happy Birthday to our Toddler
It's so hard to believe it's been a year already. Dougie has changed so much.
Dougie this time last year
Dougie today
A very happy birthday to our little guy!
Posted by
12:31 PM
Friday, December 14, 2007
The Stockings Were Hung...
Grandma Sharabura sent Dougie down his "Sharabura Stocking" for this Christmas. All the Sharaburas have one. We put it up over Thanksgiving weekend when we decorated but we were missing a stocking hanger so mine didn't make it up until today. Now that we have the full compliment of stockings, I thought we should get a picture.
Posted by
7:13 PM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Santa Trauma
I took Dougie to get his picture taken with Santa today... it didn't go well. He hated Santa. He screamed and cried and generally made sure everyone in the mall knew he was undergoing some sort of baby torture. They even tried to give him a lollipop which he promptly threw. We only got one picture where he wasn't crying and he clearly isn't "happy".
Perhaps we'll have better luck next year.
Posted by
2:57 PM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
First Steps
Dougie has done little steps between two things a few times now but it always seemed like more of a mistake than "real" first steps. Today, they were real. Dougie was upset about not being able to reach my cake pans (they're fun to throw on the tile floor) and was having a little fit about it. I sat down on the floor and called him over, he turned, put his arms out and took 5 little steps toward me. They were quite purposeful. I'm a little scared of when he really starts moving, but mostly excited that soon, our little man will be totally mobile.
Until we get independent mobility down, Dougie uses his cow to get around:
Posted by
7:49 PM
Sippy King
Dougie has learned to use his sippy cup. Since his discovery, he brings it everywhere and has little sips. I'm so glad that he finally worked out how to use it. We really didn't want to have to put him back on the bottle just to get some water into him.
Dougie and the Sippy
Have Sippy Will Travel
Posted by
7:40 PM
Another Medical Update
The neurologist's office finally faxed the blood test results to our pediatrician. The pediatrician called this afternoon to go over the results. It turns out, the doctor had also run some of those tests (just as part of a standard panel) when they did Dougie's last anemia check. So, the level that the neurologist had been most concerned about we had been rechecked two week after and that test said it was totally normal. (One point to Auntie Carol for predicting it was a lab error)
The doctor did mention some levels that the neurologist hadn't mention. First he said that one of the liver test levels was a bit elevated. He thought this was most likely a results of the iron supplements that Dougie is taking. He's going to keep an eye on it though and recheck it at our appointment in 2 weeks. He also said that Dougie had a bit of lead in his system. We're going to recheck that as well at his next appointment. If the level is still elevated, we'll do an aggressive check of what Dougie could be ingesting that is causing the increased level. In the meantime, we're supposed to keep an eye on what is going into his mouth. I also did another quick check of all the recalls for lead paint to make sure none of his toys are on there.
All in all, we're thrilled with the results of the doctor's call. I finally feel like we're done with all of this and we can just relax.
Posted by
7:16 PM
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Pancake Breakfast With Santa
The fire department in the City of Grapevine hosts a pancake breakfast with Santa every year. It's a way for them to raise some money for a variety of their needs. The coolest part is that Santa, Rudolph and Frosty all arrive to the breakfast in helicopters. We decided to take Dougie yesterday. We ended up missing their arrival though we did see the helicopters as we were driving in.
Dougie enjoyed it. He got to meet Santa for the first time though he wasn't sure what to make of him. He wasn't really interested in having pancakes but Scott and I had some and they were quite tasty. We stayed about 45 minutes and then headed home. I'm so glad we went. We're going to make it a little family tradition. I bet Dougie will love it next year.
Helicopters Outside the Firehouse
Dougie Meeting Santa
Making Pancakes
Drum Core
Posted by
9:22 PM
More Medical Updates
We finally heard from the neurologist! They said that the MRI and the EEG both came back normal. The neurologist said that he is clinically normal. So, that is great news! It doesn't explain why he's having the spasms but it does mean that he'll likely just grow out of it. We're going to give it a month and see where he is at then. He does continue to have spasms but they seem to be in a reduced phase again, so perhaps that's a good sign.
The doctor did mention that there was an elevation in his blood levels. There seems to be a ton of things that could be causing it though. She is going to fax the blood work to our pediatrician tomorrow and we'll follow up with him. She did mention that it could be an allergy or something. Hopefully, those results will get to the pediatrician on Monday and we can find out a bit more from him.
Posted by
9:06 PM
Getting Festive
Get got inspired to Elf Ourselves.
Posted by
6:28 PM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
No Longer Anemic
We got the official word last night from Dougie's pediatrician, Dougie is no longer anemic. YAY!! He needs to stay on the iron for another month to help rebuild his iron stores and then he can stop it. We'll recheck his iron levels at his 15 month appointment. Dougie is thrilled at the idea of getting off the iron.
Still no news on the MRI, blood work or EEG. We'll be calling about those again today.
Posted by
7:46 AM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Dougie Learns a Sign
We've been trying to do Baby Signs with Dougie. Apparently, it can help make the 2 year old stage a bit easier because when they don't have the ability to say the word, they can do the sign instead. Theoretically, this reduces the number of communication related tantrums. We'll see about that, but in the meantime, we're trying to teach him some signs. We've been doing this for a few months now and though Dougie seemed to understand some of them, he wouldn't actually make any signs. Yesterday, he made his first sign, "jump". Yes, I know, not the most useful sign for an 11 month old but he does love to jump. We're hoping this will be the beginning of many more signs to come.
Posted by
2:37 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
EEG Updates
Last Monday morning through Wednesday morning Dougie did his second EEG. As you'd expect, it was a long process. Fortunately, he actually had some spasms so at least it was a lot more productive. The neurologist called midway through to let us know that at that point, the spasms were not causing abnormalities on the EEG but she did want us to finish it.
Dougie All Wired Up
At this point, we're waiting to hear the results of the rest of the test. We're also still waiting on the MRI results as well as the blood test results from the testing 2 weeks ago. I plan to call about that today. Things are looking more and more positive all the time though.
Posted by
12:06 PM
It's Official - No Milk Soy Allergy
I'm almost giddy as I type this. We got the word this morning that Dougie no longer has a milk or soy allergy!
November 16th, we took Dougie into the allergist. They did a scratch test there which showed no reaction for milk or soy. Apparently, they don't consider that sufficient results though and they sent Dougie for a blood serum test as well. Those results came in this morning that there was a negative reaction and he can start on milk and soy products. More importantly, so can I. What a great way to start a week!!
Posted by
8:34 AM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Dougie is Smarter than the Puppies
We knew the day would come, but we had been lulled into a bit of a sense of false security. With four dogs, we've gotten used to making things hard to access. Our methods have been contingent on a slightly lower problem solving ability. For example, we have one dog who thinks he can hide under my desk which is open on all 4 sides. As you can see, we didn't have to have solutions that were that brilliant. Up until now, those solutions have worked just fine to keep Dougie out of things as well. That was, until today.
Like all babies, Dougie has discovered the wonder that is our kitchen cupboards and is continually getting into them. We are working on getting child locks on them all but until then, I placed chairs up against the doors to stop him from opening them. Today, he learned that he could just move the chair.
That chair used to be up against the cupboard
Now those plastic bags are nice and accessible
Let the mess ensue
But wait, there's more. His talents aren't limited to accessing the bag cupboard. He can get Tupperware and baby food items
And even food itself
Looks like we'll have to get those cupboard locks installed this weekend.
Posted by
9:12 AM