Today, Dougie rolled over for the first time (front to back). I think it was a fluke since he couldn't do it again but it was still exciting. He wasn't sure what to make of it all but he thought it was fun.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Getting Baby Buff
Dougie has decided to join a gym. We're hoping that we can meet some other parents and babies this way. They are opening a kids gym not too far from the house and are having all sorts of grand opening specials. The description of his class is:
Little Bundles (6 weeks - 6 months) - In their earliest months, babies will acquire new skills that stimulate social, physical and intellectual development. Learn exciting and developmentally appropriate activities through music, movement and class discussion.
The gym doesn't open until the end of February or so (they don't have an exact date yet) so he'll be a bit older when he starts but we're quite excited about it.
Posted by
12:58 PM
Sunday, January 28, 2007
E-Mail Updates Now Available
We've updated the blog to allow readers to get an e-mail notification of new posts. If you are interested, enter your e-mail address on the right hand side and hit subscribe.
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1:16 PM
Friday, January 26, 2007
6-week Check-up
Dougie and I went in for my 6 week check-up today. The doctor was pleased to see Dougie and impressed with how much he's grown already. We talked about his size at birth and she indicated that he must have had a growth restriction at the very end. Apparently, these things happen and it doesn't mean any future kids will have the same issue (though they'll watch much more carefully for it going foward).
After the doctor's, Dougie and I hit Wal*Mart for some grocery shopping. It was our first grocery trip by ourselves and it went quite well. We learned that people are very helpful to a mother and cute baby by themselves.
As promised, here are a few new pictures.
Daddy/Dougie Time
Click To See All Late January Pictures
Posted by
11:18 PM
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Grandpa's Visit & Updates
Things have been rather crazy here over the last while. Grandpa McCall came out of the weekend to meet Dougie. We had a nice time shopping at the mall and hanging out around the house.
Unfortunately, we got some take-out food on Saturday night that gave both Scott and I food poisoning. We did manage to stager it so we weren't both sick at the same time but it has certainly taken a toll on everyone's energy.
Dougie is doing really well. He had been having some tummy troubles. We took him to the doctor and it appears that it is acid reflux. He's got some medication now and is doing so much better. We've been a bit lax in taking pictures but here are a few from the weekend. We'll get some more soon.
Right Before a Smile
Big Yawn
Making Gurgling Noises
Posted by
12:52 PM
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Grandma Marg's Visit
Grandma Marg (we're still working on what to call grandparents) has come for a visit. She arrived on Saturday to help out and will be staying a few weeks. So far, she is quite enamoured with little Dougie. He is enjoying spending time with Grandma as well.
In other news, Scott has returned to work. Dougie and I are missing him around here but we're coping. We're certainly looking forward to seeing him on Thursday again.
Posted by
9:37 AM
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
And They Called it Puppy Love
We've been trying to take more pictures of Dougie and the puppies. Tonight, we worked on getting pictures of Oliver and Maggie. They were mostly cooperative but everyone was right about trying to work with babies and animals. :)
Oliver Showing Some Love
Dad, Maggie and Dougie
Click here to see the rest of the set
Posted by
6:41 PM