We decided to go to Toronto early so we could meet up with my sister, Laurie, and our niece, Molly. We didn't have a lot of time together but it was great to see everyone again. Dougie was excited to meet his aunt and cousin. He also got to see Grandma and Grandpa McCall again. It was great to have a bit of extra time before our jewelry show to socialize.
Molly and Dougie (the crazy looking toy with him is a gift from Aunt Laurie named "Zelda", his new favorite toy)
More Molly and Dougie
Grandma and Grandpa and Dougie
Mum, Dad and Dougie
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Visit to Toronto
Posted by
1:52 PM
Dharma Name
Last Thursday, we took Dougie to meet with Khenchen Rinpoche. He received a Dharma Name of Sangyay Chophel. Dougie really liked the Kempo though was really distracted when we tried to take some pictures.
Posted by
1:09 PM
Friday, April 20, 2007
Scott's Birthday & Passport Drama
Yesterday was Scott's birthday. We had a quiet but really nice day. Scott worked from home so we were at least able to spend some time together. We went out for lunch and dinner and generally had a nice day. Dougie got Scott a web cam so they can see each other when he's on the road.
The most exciting thing that happened yesterday was Dougie's passport arrived. We filed for the passport in mid-February knowing we had a trip planned in mid-April. We had been assured by the post office that 6 weeks was plenty of time to get the passport so we didn't expedite it. Two weeks before we were scheduled to leave, I called to find out where it was. They told me to call again in a week. A week later, I called and was told not to worry the passport was being printed and signed that that we'd have it for sure by the time we left. Whew. He added that if it hadn't arrive by Tuesday, to call back. Tuesday's mail came, still no passport. I called the office again and was told that it wasn't ready and he had no idea why they would have told me it was being printed. He also told me it wouldn't be ready in time. We were furious. Scott had the idea to call our congressman, Kenny Marchant. They got on the case the next day and by the end of the day had gotten the passport expedited and express mailed to the house. It arrived yesterday and we leave for Toronto this morning.
Posted by
7:26 AM
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Four Month Check-up
Dougie went to the doctor today for his 4 month visit. He did really well.
- Weight - 12lbs 14oz (10%)
- Height - 24 1/2" (50%)
- Head - 16 1/4" (25%)
He got his second DTaP shot. He met all his developmental goals which is great. The doctor said he was one of the healthiest babies in his practice. That was certainly shocking for us. I guess they don't count reflux and stuff. He did say that Dougie only has 2 more months to get his tear duct open before they'll send him in to get it opened. His right eye has opened on its own so hopefully the left can do the same.
Posted by
3:24 PM
Monday, April 16, 2007
He Did It! - More Rolling
Dougie rolled over from his back to his front today! He's been able to do it with assistance for a while but this is the first time he's managed all on his own. We're so excited for him - though Scott wants to see a full revolution.
Posted by
3:31 PM
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Uncle Mike's Visit
Uncle Mikey made it to Grapevine. He and Scott played golf in the afternoon (apparently, not well) and then he came by the house to meet his nephew.
Dougie liked Uncle Mike a lot. He could sure count on him to pick up the toys he dropped.
Posted by
6:31 PM
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Some Pictures Before Uncle Mike Comes
Uncle Mike is coming to visit tomorrow. Dougie hasn't had an opportunity to meet any aunts or uncles yet so this is going to be exciting. Scott and Mike are going to play some golf in the afternoon and then come back here afterwards.
We are definitely going to get some pictures while Mike is here but we had a bunch that I hadn't posted yet so I thought we'd start with those.
Dougie in the Jumparoo
Playing with his Puppy
Hangin' Out
"Genius At Work" (see shirt)
More Puppy Playing
Stealing Dad's Glasses - Part 1
Stealing Dad's Glasses - Part 2
Stealing Dad's Glasses - Part 3
Hangin' With Mum
Posted by
9:54 AM
Bad Weather
We had some terrible weather last night. It was the first time the tornado sirens have gone off since we've been in this house. Fortunately, the tornado was a bit south of here so we weren't in any danger. We did get a lot of hail though. The largest ones seemed to be about golf ball size.
Our back deck during the storm
Posted by
9:39 AM
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Dougie Pictures & General Update
Things have been pretty calm here over the last little while. We're finishing up our taxes and getting ready for the jewelry show in a few weeks. We did finally hear from My Gym and they are opening at the beginning of May. If we had known it was going to take so long, we would have joined Gymboree but at least we're in the home stretch now.
Playing With Stuffed Dog
In the Bath
Close Up In the Bath
Posted by
12:17 AM
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Maggie's Graduation
Maggie graduated from puppy class today.
Graduation Picture
And, a few people asked for the full set of bluebonnet pictures, so I've included a link to that as well. - Click here to see all 21 pictures
Posted by
3:49 PM