The pumpkin patch near our house opened yesterday. We decided we'd go today so we could get some pictures and do the pumpkin thing before it got too busy. It was a bit smaller than we were expecting so we didn't stay long but we did get some great pictures.
As you can see, it's still very hot here so it was hard to get into the fall spirit. There is a bigger patch that we're planning to go to when we get back from Canada.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Pumpkin Patch
Posted by
4:30 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Self Feeding
We're still on a quest to get Dougie to eat better. We've managed to get him to eat some Puffs and Cheerios but he has still be turning his nose up at "food". So, yesterday, I tried again. He ate three spoons of Shepherd's pie. The issue appeared to be that he wanted more self involvement in the feeding. So, we bought some new dishes and spoons that would let him try things himself. Tonight, he did:
Don't ask how much actually got in him, but some did. And we both had fun. Hopefully, he'll get better at this soon.
Posted by
6:53 PM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
GI Update
We went back to Dougie's GI yesterday. The entire appointment was good news. He said that Dougie appears to be doing very well on the diet. He wants us to start backing off the Prevacid to see if we can get Dougie off it. That would certainly be great! He also wants us to go to an allergist when Dougie is 11 1/2 months. He said by then he will likely have out grown the allergy but he wants to be sure instead of just experimenting. The 1/2 month before his birthday is to make sure if the allergy is gone, he can have cake and milk for his birthday. A thoughtful if not totally medical reason. If Dougie hasn't outgrown it, we'll re-test in 6 months.
So, we continue on the restricted diet for now but clearly it's working which makes me feel better about all the trouble.
Posted by
6:51 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
Back from Cancun
We are back from our first vacation as a little family. It's amazing how different it was from our vacation last year. Fortunately, we picked a beach vacation this time so we could better accommodate naps. It worked out really well. We did take one trip out to Chichen Itza and Dougie was able to nap on the bus and in his stroller so even that worked well.
Unfortunately, our camera got stolen so we don't have all our pictures but we have some.
Mummy and Dougie with Flamingos
Daddy and Dougie at Chichen Itza
Family at the Sink Hole
Dougie's First Trip to the Beach
All in all, we had a great time. We certainly didn't want to come back.
Posted by
8:36 AM
Friday, September 7, 2007
Womb Day!
Today is Womb Day! I'm not sure where the term came from but a friend of mine online celebrated it and it seemed so great, we thought we would too. Womb Day is the day Dougie has been out in the world for as long as I carried him. 39 weeks.
In celebration, Dougie slept 8.5 straight hours last night.
Posted by
12:00 AM
Monday, September 3, 2007
Baby Jail
We set up a playroom a while ago. It's worked really well to give Dougie a safe place to play. We even installed a baby gate though he was well away from being mobile enough to need it. He's finally shown that it was worth installing. One of his favorite activities is to come to the gate and stand up. Poor little guy looks like he's in jail.
One extra picture of Dougie and dad. They match!
Posted by
8:39 AM
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Post Grandparent Update
Grandma and Grandpa McCall have gone back to Canada. We had a great visit with them.
Since they left, Dougie has been working on all sorts of milestones. He can now officially crawl. It sort of sneaked up on us. He was doing something that looked a bit like crawling but it wasn't quite close enough. Then all of a sudden, he started. He doesn't seem to like doing it that much but it gets him where he wants to go. He still loves standing. He basically crawls over to something so he can pull up on it and stand.
He'll use anything to stand
It's amazing the mischief you can get into once you can move around
We've officially started a new swimming class (our last class was last week). Initially, we had the class on Tuesday mornings at 9:15. We thought it would be a good time since it was before Dougie's first nap and he wouldn't be too tired yet. We were wrong. He was way over tired and miserable the entire class. So, we moved it to Saturdays at 11:15. We had our first class at that time today and it was so much better.
The best part is that Daddy can come watch the classes and take pictures. Our new teacher is quite nice as well. We only had 2 kids in class today so we got a lot of attention.
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8:00 PM