We got the official word last night from Dougie's pediatrician, Dougie is no longer anemic. YAY!! He needs to stay on the iron for another month to help rebuild his iron stores and then he can stop it. We'll recheck his iron levels at his 15 month appointment. Dougie is thrilled at the idea of getting off the iron.
Still no news on the MRI, blood work or EEG. We'll be calling about those again today.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
No Longer Anemic
Posted by
7:46 AM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Dougie Learns a Sign
We've been trying to do Baby Signs with Dougie. Apparently, it can help make the 2 year old stage a bit easier because when they don't have the ability to say the word, they can do the sign instead. Theoretically, this reduces the number of communication related tantrums. We'll see about that, but in the meantime, we're trying to teach him some signs. We've been doing this for a few months now and though Dougie seemed to understand some of them, he wouldn't actually make any signs. Yesterday, he made his first sign, "jump". Yes, I know, not the most useful sign for an 11 month old but he does love to jump. We're hoping this will be the beginning of many more signs to come.
Posted by
2:37 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
EEG Updates
Last Monday morning through Wednesday morning Dougie did his second EEG. As you'd expect, it was a long process. Fortunately, he actually had some spasms so at least it was a lot more productive. The neurologist called midway through to let us know that at that point, the spasms were not causing abnormalities on the EEG but she did want us to finish it.
Dougie All Wired Up
At this point, we're waiting to hear the results of the rest of the test. We're also still waiting on the MRI results as well as the blood test results from the testing 2 weeks ago. I plan to call about that today. Things are looking more and more positive all the time though.
Posted by
12:06 PM
It's Official - No Milk Soy Allergy
I'm almost giddy as I type this. We got the word this morning that Dougie no longer has a milk or soy allergy!
November 16th, we took Dougie into the allergist. They did a scratch test there which showed no reaction for milk or soy. Apparently, they don't consider that sufficient results though and they sent Dougie for a blood serum test as well. Those results came in this morning that there was a negative reaction and he can start on milk and soy products. More importantly, so can I. What a great way to start a week!!
Posted by
8:34 AM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Dougie is Smarter than the Puppies
We knew the day would come, but we had been lulled into a bit of a sense of false security. With four dogs, we've gotten used to making things hard to access. Our methods have been contingent on a slightly lower problem solving ability. For example, we have one dog who thinks he can hide under my desk which is open on all 4 sides. As you can see, we didn't have to have solutions that were that brilliant. Up until now, those solutions have worked just fine to keep Dougie out of things as well. That was, until today.
Like all babies, Dougie has discovered the wonder that is our kitchen cupboards and is continually getting into them. We are working on getting child locks on them all but until then, I placed chairs up against the doors to stop him from opening them. Today, he learned that he could just move the chair.
That chair used to be up against the cupboard
Now those plastic bags are nice and accessible
Let the mess ensue
But wait, there's more. His talents aren't limited to accessing the bag cupboard. He can get Tupperware and baby food items
And even food itself
Looks like we'll have to get those cupboard locks installed this weekend.
Posted by
9:12 AM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Finger Feeding
It's about time we had some positive things going on in this blog. So, it is my pleasure to announce that Dougie officially finger fed for the first time tonight. I had placed some Puffs on his tray and given him a few. Then, I worked on my dinner. I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye and when I turned to look at him, he was putting the Puffs in his mouth. I'm so excited for him. He missed his mouth a few times but for the most part, it was a very successful meal. We're going to try some sort of different food tomorrow.
You can't see it, but there is a Puff in those fingers
Playing with PlayDoh containers
Throwing it is the most fun
In other news, we don't have any results yet though we're waiting for scheduling to call us to book the 48 hour EEG.
Posted by
6:07 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Dougie's MRI
Dougie went in for his MRI today. Because you have to remain completely still for an MRI, they sedate children Dougie's age. We arrive at the pediatric imaging center right at noon. They checked Dougie in quickly and we were called back. Dougie played in the back for a few minutes while they finished up with the previous patient and then they called us into the MRI room. We lay Dougie on the table and the anesthesiologist put a mask on him. He started to cry almost immediately. I think he just knew something was up and apparently, it smelled a bit. In about 30 seconds, Dougie was asleep. I left the room.
While they had Dougie under, they took more blood. Judging by the vials I saw them leave with, it's for the best that he slept through that. Then they started the MRI. The entire process took about 45 minutes.
They say it's common that children wake from anesthesia "irritable". Dougie was no exception to this rule. He cried loudly as soon as they woke him up. The doctor handed him to me and he continued to scream. They put us in a recovery room on the other side of the imaging center and apparently, people could still hear him screaming. It went on for 10-15 minutes solid and then in little bursts after that for the next hour or so. Once he got over that, he was fine. He did refuse to nap for the rest of the day but that was also to be expected. He's completely back to his normal self now.
Unfortunately, no news beyond that. I called the neurologists office twice today but no one called us back. I'm going to call tomorrow and be a bit more insistent that someone return our call. Hopefully by that time, they can also give us the MRI results. We'd really like to know if we need to go back in for another EEG though because Scott will need to make arrangements to get home and I'll need to make arrangements for the dogs.
Posted by
9:23 PM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Call from the Neurologist
The neurologist called today. She was reviewing the results and wanted some help finding the spasm. She was surprised Dougie didn't have more. She did say that the results she had seen so far were mostly normal. I asked if that was a positive sign and she said that it was too early to tell but didn't want us to get too excited about it. So, still no news there.
The one thing she did say was that we had to continue monitoring Dougie's episodes through the weekend. If they continue, she wants us to get another EEG done but this time a 48 hour one. We're not excited about the prospect of that. I'm still hopeful that one spasm will show her enough.
Posted by
8:11 PM
More Medical Updates
Sorry for the lack of update yesterday. The day proved to be pure insanity.
We had the neurologist appointment at 9am. She was very nice and spent over to an hour with us. She said Dougie was one of the most alert babies she had seen at this age. Our video wasn't a lot of help to her but she was very impressed with our log of his episodes. She wasn't able to give me any definite indicate as to what the problem was but she did list off a couple of options. As expected, she ordered tests. What wasn't expected was that the test was yesterday afternoon.
So, Dougie and I had about 45 minutes after we left the office to get ourselves packed up and ready for this 12 hour EEG. First, we called Scott. His plan was to get on the first flight he could back home and meet us up at the center. He wouldn't be able to be there at the beginning but with 12 hours of testing, he'd still be a lot of help once he arrived. Next, we packed up jammies, fed the puppies and got ourselves en route to Plano.
The test was done at the Pediatric Sleep Institute. It was a really nice facility. They were running a bit behind but we had been "fit" into the schedule so we were just appreciative to be able to get in so quickly. We managed to get Dougie all hooked up to the monitors and though he didn't appreciate the process, once it was finished, he was fine with his setup. He only pulled at the cords a few times and the head wrap a few times. Scott managed to get there a bit after 4 so he was there for most of the testing.
We waited... and waited... Little Dougie decided that perhaps he wouldn't spasm. You can imagine how impressed we were. Finally, with only an hour to go before the testing finished, he had an episode of 2 small spasms. I've never been so happy to see him do that. With that, we all went to sleep. The center allowed us to stay until morning even though our testing finished around 1:30am. They said it was safer than driving home that late. We were on the road home by 6am to avoid traffic. As you can imagine, we're all a bit tired.
So, now we wait again. We're going to call the neurologist this morning and find out about the MRI. We're also going to see how long it will take to know something. My hope is that we'll hear today but it's certainly possible that we won't hear anything for a little while. In the meantime, we're working hard to get the glue out of Dougie's hair.
Thanks for all the positive thoughts. We all really appreciate it.
Posted by
9:26 AM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Medical Update
Our little Dougie has been having a small medical problem lately. It started innocently enough. In fact, we hardly even noticed it at first. When he would nurse before bed, once in a while, he'd tense up. I thought he was stretching. This went on for a few weeks but I never gave it any thought. Then, last week, he did it while he was eating in his high chair. It caught my attention but I figured it was a one time thing. The next day at the park, he was eating an animal cracker and it happened again. On Friday, I decided it was time to talk to the doctor.
Initially, we sent an e-mail into the doctor's office but as I researched some of the causes of these spasms, we decided to call instead. The nurse made us an appointment for Monday morning but said that if the frequency increased, we should bring Dougie into the hospital. As the evening progressed, the frequency did increase. So, right before Dougie's bedtime, we packed him up and brought him to what we thought the hospital was. Turns out, it was actually an urgent care center. They were very nice there but they couldn't do any of the tests that were necessary to determine what was going on. So, we went back home with no answers.
By Saturday morning, we had decided we were going to bring Dougie to the hospital. He had had several spasm episodes Friday night and there was a dramatic up-shift. The nurses there were nice... the doctor, not so much. He did tells us that it wasn't seizures because Dougie wasn't falling asleep afterward. I happened to know that falling asleep wasn't a requirement for seizures but who was I to argue with him. He had the nerve to ask what else was wrong, like the convulsions our son was having wasn't reason enough to be there. He set us up with a referral for a neurologist and sent us on our way.
We made it through the rest of the weekend and Dougie didn't get any worse, which was good to see. Monday, we went to see the pediatrician. We had a little video of Dougie having some of his episodes so we could just show him instead of trying to explain it. The doctor wanted to do some blood work. There are a variety of things that could cause convulsions that are detectable in a blood test. He had no other ideas as to what could be going on though he did say he didn't think it was seizures. For the record, he also said sleeping wasn't a requirement for seizures but Dougie was too alert for it to be a seizure. By Monday afternoon, we had an appointment schedule with the neurologist for Wednesday morning.
Today, we got the results of the blood work. Everything came back normal. I'm not sure how to take the news. I guess it's good that there aren't any issues with any of Dougie's organs and that his blood is all fine, but it sounded like our best outcomes would have been found in blood work so I was hoping they would fine something. So, now we wait until tomorrow.
The good news in all this is that Dougie feels fine. He has a spasm and then continues with what he was previously doing. He's only gotten upset a few times and those tend to be when he has a lot in a row or the spasm is a bit stronger. We're keeping calm and not Googling anything more.
I'll definitely provide an update after we see the neurologist tomorrow. I don't expect a lot from the appointment other than getting schedule for some tests but I'll update regardless. If you could spare a few positive thoughts for our little guy, we'd all appreciate it.
Posted by
7:37 PM
Monday, November 5, 2007
Goin' Green
Before Dougie was born, I had a lengthy list of things I was never going to do. As time passes, thing are continually falling off the list. The latest list causality is cloth diapering. Yes, you read correctly, our little Dougie now wears cloth diapers. The more amazing part is the we're cleaning them ourselves. We're almost a week in, and so far, so good.
Here is our little Dougie in his first cloth diaper.
Posted by
6:49 PM