We had Dougie's 2 year check-up today. He's still growing and remains on his curve.
- * Weight - 24.6lbs (11%)
- * Height - 34" (40%)
- * Head - 19.3" (56%)
Dougie is doing really well. He was developmentally on target for everything except communication (which wasn't a surprise to us). The doctor reiterated that he thought it was important to have Dougie in speech therapy at this point. Apparently, he should have about 50 words by age two. Dougie only has 15 and doesn't pronounce some of them properly (not normal toddler mispronunciation but a lip position issue). We've been lucky enough to do speech therapy with his old feeding therapist so we all know each other well. Of course, Dougie is convinced that he should be eating and keeps getting into the high chair.