Last weekend, we packed up and headed to San Francisco to visit Susan/Auntie Suz. We had a fabulous time! Unfortunately, we weren't able to spend too long there but it was great to be able to come out for the few days we did.
We just hung out and relaxed on Friday. Scott had flown in from Florida so he was 3 hours behind and Dougie and I were 2 hours so it was an early evening. On Saturday, we headed downtown to see the sea lions. Dougie was very impressed. He loved when they started to "bark".
Checking out the sea lions at Fisherman's Wharf
On Sunday, we went to meet a friend of mine in San Jose. She has a little girl who is just a smidge older than Dougie so we took the kids to the petting zoo. Dougie could not have been happier.
As you can see, Dougie was very comfortable there. I guess that's what happens when you have dogs that are bigger than goats.
We got back on Sunday not too much after the Patriots game ended and we hung out during the second football game. Dougie and Auntie Suz got some quality time in.
He fed her crackers
Played peek-a-boo with videos
And just played
We really had an incredible time! Thanks again for host Auntie Suz, we can't wait to see you out our way!!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
San Francisco
Posted by
10:17 PM
Monday, January 14, 2008
Some Random Pictures
Dougie cooperated yesterday and let me get a clapping picture, so I wanted to share that. Keep in mind, clapping doesn't look like much in still pictures. :)
Some swimming pictures:
Dougie with the bus he got for his birthday
Posted by
2:22 PM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Dougie finally started clapping this morning! I'm not quite sure why as there was really nothing going on but clap he did. When I clapped back at him, he got so excited that he's been walking around clapping all morning now.
Oddly, he has a very strange clap. His right hand stays still and his left hand makes the movement. It looks bizarre but I'm sure he'll get the hang of it soon as he watches us do it back to him.
Dougie wouldn't cooperate for a clapping picture so I have a Dougie sleeping picture instead.
Posted by
8:06 AM
Sunday, January 6, 2008
We have "MUM"
Dougie has been walking around the house for the last little while saying "mum, mum, mum, mum, mum...!" I don't think he's has any meaning behind it yet, but at least he can make the sound!!! There is still hope for "mum" to be his first word.
Posted by
4:13 PM
Friday, January 4, 2008
First Useful Sign
Though we were all impressed with Dougie's ability to do the sign for "jump", as you'd expect, it turned out not to be overly useful. He'd almost always do it to indicate he was jumping, which was normally pretty obvious. But today, he did a useful sign, "no more." We were both shocked when he did it. We always do the sign at the end of a meal to indicate the food is over and he can get out of his chair. Tonight, he did it to us. It took a few moments for us to realize he was trying to sign (it isn't quite the sign we do) but he was very obvious with it. So, we cleaned him up and out of that chair he went. He even did it again later during his bath to let Scott know he was done with that. It's so nice that all that signing is starting to pay off!!
Posted by
11:35 PM
We Have a Climber
Yesterday, Dougie learned to climb. Unfortunately, he only knows how to go up but he can't get back down. He climbed on the fire place 6 times yesterday and 3 4 times today already. Shortly after he gets up there, he realizes that he can't get back down and gets upset.
Dougie on the Fire Place
Dougie on his Blocks
And, because he really will climb anything:
Dougie on Diet Coke
Posted by
4:06 PM
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Is Dougie Left Handed?
We've been wondering for a while if Dougie will end up being left handed. He occasionally gives us little signs that he may be leaning that way. Handedness doesn't really settle in for a while, but we look for clues anyway. Today, we got the biggest clue yet, his hair whorl.
No, really.
Notice that Dougie's hair spins counter-clockwise:
Handedness is closely tied to the way hair spins on the scalp
It isn't certain enough that we're going to go out and get him left handed golf clubs yet, but I thought it was an interesting article and figured we'd share.
Posted by
8:08 PM