We went to Baby Loves Disco today. Basically, it's a dance party for kids. It's held at a local dance club but the music is much lower than it would be at night and the lights are all on. They have bubbles, scarves, hoola hoops and other various things to play with. Dougie had a great time though the concept of dancing seemed to elude him.
A few pictures from our day...
I tried to be subtle taking this picture but Dougie was totally trying to pick this girl up.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Baby Loves Disco
Posted by
11:18 PM
Monday, June 23, 2008
18-Month Check-up
We had Dougie's 18 month check-up today. He's still growing and remains on his curve. He's lost a little bit of weight since his appointment a few weeks ago but all in all, he's doing really well.
- Weight - 22lbs 8oz (12%)
- Height - 32" (39%)
- Head - 19" (63%)
The doctor went through an Autism identification checklist and Dougie was put in the low risk category. He checked other basic health markers and Dougie was completely healthy. We have been having a small problem with vomiting but the doctor has already referred us to a Pediatric GI for that issue.
We went through Dougie's development. He is actually on track or ahead on all the markers. We were a bit surprised because we thought he would be measuring behind on language but I guess his 11 words were enough.
We got a DTaP shot and were on our way. Dougie did exceptionally well with this visit. We won't go back now until he turns 2.
Posted by
9:03 PM
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Word List
Dougie has his 18 month check-up tomorrow. We know the doctor is going to ask us what words Dougie knows, so we made up a list and thought we might as well share it. As of now, he knows:
- Mama
- DeeDa (Daddy)
- Up
- Bubble
- All Done
- Knee
- Hi
- Bye
- Oh oh
- “Rarrrr” (roar)
- “Woof”
That's not too bad. He isn't the most articulate child we know, but he's getting there. Perhaps it's all the reading he does.
Or he may be taking an online course.
Posted by
8:55 PM
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day
Another Father's Day has come and gone. It's amazing the difference a year makes in how involved Dougie can be in the day. He still isn't picking out his own gifts but he did help with Daddy's card and he decorated the bag that held his present.
Today, we decided to go to the zoo. We haven't been in a while and it was a beautiful day. The zoo was perfectly set up for the weather. They had misters to keep things cool near the popular animal exhibits. It was very comfortable all day.
A few pictures from the day.
Looking at the gorilla
Feeding the birds
We all had a great time! Scott loved the towels that Dougie had made for him. They'll be perfect to use next week at swimming.
Posted by
11:06 PM
Thursday, June 12, 2008
We're in Trouble Now
For a while, we've know that Dougie loves to climb. He would pile up things and get on top, he'd climb on boxes, he even tried to climb into his own stroller. He never tried to climb on the furniture though, that is, until now.
I was sitting at my desk when I heard a strange sound. I leaned slightly and there was Dougie, on the coffee table.
I pulled him off right away. Well, right after I took a few pictures. He has done it several times since then but been quickly removed. It appeared that he may have been using the couch to get up there so I moved the table away a bit and that slowed his progress.
Tonight, Dougie found something else to climb. All the cupboards in the kitchen have child locks on them except one. We keep various things that we think Dougie may enjoy in that one cupboard. At the back, we keep a few things that we don't use often but aren't breakable (straws, disposable cups, etc). Tonight, Dougie decided he wanted to play with those, so he went in after them.
He ended up sitting up inside the cupboard to play. It took a bit to get him back out but we managed. The cups he was most interested in have since been moved to another cupboard. Hopefully, that will put an end to his climbing in there. If not, we'll have to look at getting a child lock for that cupboard too.
Let's just hope he doesn't learn to climb the baby gates any time soon.
Posted by
9:44 PM