Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We Need a New Plan

A while ago, we shared with you a video of Dougie climbing onto his high chair. Since then, we have always been sure to put the tray on to ensure he can't climb up there. He's an excellent climber but his coming down skills still need work (see post from yesterday).

Apparently, our tray method is no longer effective.



Clearly, we need a new plan. We should just be happy that he's active, right? :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Poor Dougie started this week off poorly. He was playing with his cars on the coffee table when something possessed him to get on it. He then attempted to get off but somehow slipped and fell onto the tile floor. Not good.

Once the crying stopped, he was just quiet but then he threw up. I had managed to do a quick search for "when to take your child to the doctor for a head injury" and that was top of the list. I call the doctor's office.

The nurse told us that bringing him in there wouldn't help because if he needed an x-ray of his head they weren't equipped to do that. She asked that we bring him directly to the children's hospital. So, off to Fort Worth we went. Several hours and one CT scan later, Dougie is just fine, though we certainly won't be posing for formal pictures anytime soon. :)

Here he is post hospital having a drink

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Chef Dougie

A while ago, we bought a Learning Tower for Dougie. We finally managed to get it assembled and tried it out this weekend.

His first task was to help with dinner. Dougie was in charge of making the potatoes.



They turned out great! No lumps or anything. So next, we thought he could try his hand at baking.

First, there was a chat about who would be in charge

Dougie won

Okay, Dougie let Daddy help a little

Looks like we have quite the budding chef on our hands... now that he can reach the counter.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Passed Out

We heard rumours that, sometimes, children just fall asleep while they are doing something else. I had even seen pictures of other people's children sleeping in strange places. That sort of thing is just not something that happens with our child though, until today.

