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Monday, March 29, 2010
On the Move
Posted by
6:00 PM
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
No, that's MY Connie
Dougie loves his sister. When we pick her up to bring her upstairs to change her or take her anywhere, he frequently protests "no, that's MY Connie", "lay the Connie down Mummy", "Mummy, can I please hold the Connie."
He loves just hanging out with her.
It makes it hard to get pictures of her without him.
We really hope they're always like this.
She seems to feel the same way too. You should see her light up when Dougie comes over to see her (well, not in that last picture, she's just trying to work out why he's messing with her Jumperoo).
Posted by
12:04 AM
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Taggie Blanket
We bought Connie a special blanket. It's called a Taggie and has little tags all over it. I guess babies like to chew on tags so the blanket is designed to have lots of them. Connie loves it!
She takes it everywhere - though it doesn't get in the way of some thumb time.
Posted by
11:04 PM
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Connie's Four Month Check-up
We're back in Dallas for a few days to get Connie checked out. She is doing fabulously! She still has "chubby cheekers" and is the picture of health. She has met all of her developmental milestones except for grabbing her own feet - though she can now roll over both tummy to back and back to tummy so the doctor was impressed.
Our little girl remains not so little. Her latest stats:
- Weight - 14lbs (74%)
- Height - 25" (89%)
- Weight - 16.5" (85%)
What was most interesting to us about these numbers was that Dougie, who we tend to think of as being quite small, was only slightly smaller at his 4 month check-up. I guess boys are generally expected to be a bit bigger but Connie is only a pound more than he was and he started at a lot less.
Dougie at 4 Months
Connie at 4 Months
We're heading back to Calgary tomorrow after a few more visits with friends. It was a shorter trip than we had originally planned but we're sure the dogs will be happy to have us home.
Posted by
12:07 AM
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Rollin' On Through
Connie is clearly an over achiever - a few days before turning 4 months and she learned to roll from back to front.
She loves doing it as well. She's constantly flipping herself over now. She is still on her quest for the elusive full revolution, but she's working on that.
Posted by
10:35 PM
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Dougie's Last Ski Lesson
Connie and I were bound and determined to make at least one of Dougie's ski lessons. His last day was not only a spectacular day but we were also almost over our colds. So, the family packed up and, armed with our camera, headed to Canada Olympic Park.
After getting themselves ready, the boys hit the slopes for a few practice runs.
A little bit of pre-class stretching and they were off.
Dougie is attempting to jump straight up in the air in his skis (unsuccessfully)
They didn't even bother with the bronze run this week and went straight to the silver. After a run or two on that, they move on to the gold run. Connie and I had to walk up to that one.
Gold run is a bit steeper
If I look cute, can we go home?
Dougie did manage to graduate. He even got full marks in a few areas! He's done with skiing now for the year but we'll definitely sign up again in the fall.
Next time, this:
Daddy can do that with him too.
Posted by
5:36 PM
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
How'd She Do That?
Connie should not be able to sit up. And, under most circumstances, she can't. However, yesterday, she did.
It's hard to tell but she isn't leaning on the back of the couch at all. I still haven't worked out how she did it.
Posted by
2:25 PM
Friday, March 5, 2010
A Brother's Love
Some people express their love with flowers, or chocolates, or even a nice card. Dougie shows his love by sharing his truck sticker.
Posted by
9:45 AM
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Heading Towards Perfection
We had our appointment with a local doctor yesterday. He gave Connie a good once over and declared that she had a perfect head shape. He noted that, at this age, most kids have a flat spot but that she has no indication of that at all. He said the only way to know for sure if the sutures were closed would be to do a CAT scan. That is a lot of radiation though and we would like to avoid it if it isn't necessary. He would like us to come back in a month so we can re-measure her head and make sure that everything continues to grow correctly. Assuming her head continues to look as nice as it does, we won't do any testing and she won't need surgery.
Posted by
12:02 PM
Monday, March 1, 2010
Mmm... thumb
Our little Connie has found her thumb. Unlike Dougie, who only didn't it occasionally, Connie can't resist an opportunity to see how her thumb tastes.
It's taken her a while to master the art of just the thumb
Occasionally, it's still whatever fingers are available.
But when she gets it right...
...she really gets it right.
Posted by
9:02 PM
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Dougie On Skis
Longtime readers of this blog will recall Dougie's athletic exploits on grass (soccer) and water (swimming). However, both of these surfaces are in short supply during the typical Calgary winter. Therefore -- what else could we do but throw Dougie on a pair of skis and see what happens?
We signed him up for ski lessons at Canada Olympic Park -- the facility that hosted both the Jamaican bobsled team and British ski jumper Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards during the 1988 Olympics. Seemed like the perfect place for a skier of Dougie's calibre. COP is now a fantastic ski center for beginner skiers -- tons and tons of little kids (and their parents) learning firsthand about gravity. It also happens to be 10 minutes from our house in Calgary -- much closer than the big ski hills near Banff.
The report? According to Dougie, skiing is something of an acquired taste. His balance is pretty good, but he gets quite frustrated at his lack of control -- particularly at the bottom of the ski hill where the ground is flat and he has trouble moving around. Luckily he hasn't fallen too much, but he certainly relies on Dad to pull / push him along.
(Dad, incidentally, got roped in as this is a "parent participation" class -- and Dad had not set foot on the slopes in 12 years... perhaps the bunny slopes were a good reintroduction!)
At any rate -- he's making progress. Couple of photos from the last couple of weeks...
In the ski lodge before starting. Check out the skis -- 85 cm. Never seen them that small!
In his ski boots, just before starting the lesson. Note the beautiful blue sky -- we've had some gorgeous weather here.
"Dad... how did these things get on my feet?"
Going up the "magic carpet" ski lift. Kim pointed out to me that the angle of this photo makes it look like we're going down a double-black-diamond -- trust me, that's an optical illusion (or a bad photographer)
Unfortunately, because Kim and Connie weren't able to come out, we don't have any "action shots" of Dougie in motion (as you can imagine, I had my hands full catching Dougie). But he's doing OK -- one more lesson next week!
Posted by
Scott Sharabura
10:57 PM
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Fun With Dogs
Incidentally -- we have been getting the occasional snowfall in Calgary (who'd'a thunk it??) -- which makes for some white & fluffy puppies. (In case you can't tell from the photo -- this is Oliver and Maggie snuggled together -- gotta stay warm somehow!)
And I'll bet you never thought you could stuff 2 dogs (combined weight 215 lbs) into a single dog crate...! (yes, look closely, once again Oliver and Maggie are a bit close for comfort here)
Resolution for February -- get more pictures of Bailey and Claire...
Posted by
Scott Sharabura
8:18 PM
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Connie's Head
It's hard to imagine that with such an adorable head anything could be wrong with little Connie. Unfortunately, sometime in the last month or so, she's developed a ridge along the top of her skull. We first noticed it about two weeks ago but didn't think much of it. After some Googling (not really my friend in these sorts of situations) we decided that we should get someone to have a look.
Notice how her head comes up into a bit of a point behind her soft spot
The doctor in Calgary referred us to a pediatrician. They felt it was urgent but weren't going to be able to see us for several weeks. By this point, we (okay, it was mostly me) had worked ourselves up into a bit of a tizzy about the whole thing. So, based on the advice of our pediatrician in Dallas, we decided to bring Connie back to see him.
Still cute, but definitely a ridge
Our doctor referred us to a craniofacial surgeon to be evaluated further. We were able to meet with him on the same trip. By all accounts, this is "the guy" to go to and he just happens to work in Dallas. In a nutshell, he told us 3 things:
- Connie has a condition called craniosynostosis. This means that two of her skull plates (which are normally free-floating in an infant) have fused together. In her case, it is her sagittal suture (starting behind the soft spot and going to the crown of her head).
- However, other than the ridge itself, she is doing great -- she's not showing any other symptoms, which is really good news. Typically this would result in an altered head shape as it grows, but right now Connie's head is perfectly shaped.
- So, while most babies with this condition require surgery to correct it, the specialist was not worried about her -- in his opinion, she's likely to develop just fine and will not likely need any surgery. We're keeping an eye on it, and we need to go back to be evaluated in 6 months but at this time, it doesn't look like anything further will be required.
We likely will get a second opinion for our peace of mind but at this time, it's as good news as we could hope for. Meanwhile, she's been smiling up a storm and doing a great job at surviving the constant attention of her big brother.
Posted by
8:02 PM
Sunday, February 7, 2010
We have started working with Dougie on his writing. Our first step is to get the basic motions of holding a pen, making straight strokes and control. We got a book that has "tracing" practice. It is mostly drawing lines from one object to another. Dougie loves doing it though.
The fact that Dougie is left handed has added some complications to the process. We're working hard to not have him write with a "hook" type hand. We've found several suggestions online as well a from friends so I think we're just about on top of that.
Focusing hard
The results
I should note that these were the first ones he did. He's improved a lot in only a few days.
Erasing his work
You may notice that the pages are all in plastic. We bought Dougie a few Kumon books and ripped out the pages. Each page was then put in a plastic sleeve and we use dry erase markers to do his work. It allows us to go back and re-do the pages as many times as he wants. Since he asks to practice at least twice a day - it's worked out well.
Posted by
12:30 AM
Monday, February 1, 2010
The Sharaburas Come to Calgary
What with Connie's birth, Dougie's birthday, Christmas, and a relocation to Calgary, it's been a busy couple of months for the Sharabura clan. So what better way to cap it off than hosting a crowd of out-of-town relatives??
Grandma & Grandpa Sharabura came up to visit from Vancouver, and Auntie Suz was able to fly up as well. We had a fantastic time -- it was everybody's first opportunity to meet Connie, and it had been a while since they had seen Dougie. They got to see a big difference, with Dougie now able to talk much more clearly and engage in conversation -- coming up with entertaining phrases such as "no nap, stay here!" and "help, over there, fall down, on the drop!"
We were also able to celebrate Grandpa's birthday with a nice dinner and apple pie, and Dougie taught everyone about the various details of Bob the Builder characters. Connie's still learning how to entertain visitors but luckily being small and cute is enough to make a good first impression.
Couple of photos from the weekend...
Auntie Suz seemed to like having another girl in the family
Grandma and her newest granddaughter
... and over to Grandpa!
Dougie really digs looking at pictures of himself on digital cameras...
I've got a baby and I'm not afraid to use it!
The visitors had great timing -- Connie was just entering into mega-smiley mode for their visit...
Dougie and Auntie Suz
We also took a drive out to Banff, to take a look at the mountains and wander through town...
Dougie and Auntie Suz in Banff
Dougie, Grandpa and a horse
In Banff, evidently there's a burger place that delivers... Dougie now has a job lined up for when he turns 16.
Mum and Dougie strolling down the street in Banff
Posted by
Scott Sharabura
10:47 PM