Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Kindermusik and the Night Before Auntie Suz

The new session of Kindermusik started today. This will be our last session with Miss Kat. The description of this one is:

Peekaboo! I Love You!

More than a curious story, Mother Goose games like peek-a-boo help your baby understand language. Uncover more ways to say "I love you" using bubbles, American Sign Language, and parent-baby dances. Connect with other newborns and families in the community and learn how music improves your child's development process.

There are a lot of babies in the class but I think it should be a lot of fun. Most of the babies seem to be about a year old so it's a bit younger class than the one we had last time.

In other news, Auntie Suz is coming tomorrow. Dougie is very excited to meet her. She's going to come to his swimming classes and she can even participate in My Gym on Friday. It should be lots of bonding fun. We'll definitely post pictures.

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