Saturday, September 1, 2007

Post Grandparent Update

Grandma and Grandpa McCall have gone back to Canada. We had a great visit with them.

Since they left, Dougie has been working on all sorts of milestones. He can now officially crawl. It sort of sneaked up on us. He was doing something that looked a bit like crawling but it wasn't quite close enough. Then all of a sudden, he started. He doesn't seem to like doing it that much but it gets him where he wants to go. He still loves standing. He basically crawls over to something so he can pull up on it and stand.

He'll use anything to stand

It's amazing the mischief you can get into once you can move around

We've officially started a new swimming class (our last class was last week). Initially, we had the class on Tuesday mornings at 9:15. We thought it would be a good time since it was before Dougie's first nap and he wouldn't be too tired yet. We were wrong. He was way over tired and miserable the entire class. So, we moved it to Saturdays at 11:15. We had our first class at that time today and it was so much better.


The best part is that Daddy can come watch the classes and take pictures. Our new teacher is quite nice as well. We only had 2 kids in class today so we got a lot of attention.

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