Thursday, October 4, 2007


We got the results of Dougie's anemia test. Unfortunately, it turns out that he has it. The doctor called this morning and said that he had a hemoglobin value of 7.6 g/dL. Normal is 12 and the lowest they would allow is 10. He's considered to have moderate to severe anemia (severe starts at < 6 g/dL). So, he has called in prescription of iron medication that we'll start to try to get his levels back up. We have to go back in 2 weeks to get his blood rechecked to ensure that the drops are making enough difference.

We're obviously concerned about him. Prolonged anemia can have lasting effects on growth and development. Apparently, sometimes, any anemia can have negative effects but the study done that proves that was quite small and I'm trying not to think about it.

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