Wednesday, December 19, 2007

12 Month Check-up

On Monday, we brought Dougie in for his 12 Month check-up. Poor little guy wasn't feeling too well anyway so the trip was well timed.


  • Weight - 20lbs 5oz (17%)

  • Height - 29" (25%)

  • Head - 18.5" (69%)

As you can see, he's still a little guy though he is creeping above his standard growth line. The doctor is still pretty convinced that Dougie will end up being about 5'11" (despite my insisting that Sharabura's are tall), so, we'll see.

We got Dougie a Hep A shot while we were there. We'll need to go back in a month or so to get the MMR vaccine and we're going to hold off on the chicken pox vaccine for a while. It just isn't as good as actually getting chicken pox so we want to give Dougie a bit of time to see if he catches it.

They also took a ton of blood for various testing. We're expecting the results of that this morning. They tested Dougie's liver function as well as another lead level test. Both those results were a bit off in his last round of testing. The doctor felt the liver count was off because of the iron therapy and wasn't concerned but just wants to be sure it isn't something serious. The lead level we're just ensuring hasn't gotten worse. Once we know more about those tests, we'll let you know.

The doctor said that Dougie was doing really well though. He's well on target with his development.

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