Friday, January 4, 2008

First Useful Sign

Though we were all impressed with Dougie's ability to do the sign for "jump", as you'd expect, it turned out not to be overly useful. He'd almost always do it to indicate he was jumping, which was normally pretty obvious. But today, he did a useful sign, "no more." We were both shocked when he did it. We always do the sign at the end of a meal to indicate the food is over and he can get out of his chair. Tonight, he did it to us. It took a few moments for us to realize he was trying to sign (it isn't quite the sign we do) but he was very obvious with it. So, we cleaned him up and out of that chair he went. He even did it again later during his bath to let Scott know he was done with that. It's so nice that all that signing is starting to pay off!!

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