Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Feeding Study

We took Dougie into the doctor last week because he still isn't eating well. We'd gotten used to that but we noticed that he had started to lose weight and that is a problem. The doctor was quite understanding about the problem. He felt that likely, Dougie had a texture sensitivity and that was causing his eating problems. He arranged for us to go have a feeding study done to see if we can get him over this problem.

The hospital called today to book the study. We're doing in Thursday of next week. At this point, I have no idea what it will entail but we were told to bring 2 foods he will eat and 1 he won't eat. The entire thing will take about an hour and is performed by a speech therapist.

In the meantime, the doctor told us to feed him what he will eat. We had been trying new foods on him. So, it looks like we'll go back to cream cheese and Club crackers. Mmmm. :)

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