Thursday, March 13, 2008

Mystery Dots

Dougie hasn't been feeling well lately. It started last week with a junkie sounding cough. By the weekend, he was throwing up and had diarrhea. Concerned it could be pneumonia, we took him into urgent care on Sunday. A few hours, 1 breathing treatment and a chest x-ray later, we left. They didn't think it was pneumonia but gave him antibiotics because they weren't completely sure it wasn't.

Monday and Tuesday, Dougie was not himself. He just sat in my lap all day and snuggled. At one point, we even had to force some fluids into him to ensure he didn't get dehydrated. By Wednesday though, he perked up enough that we took him to feeding therapy (report on that will be saved for another post). While we were there, I noticed he had a rash. Great. We called the doctor again and they took us off the medication that urgent care prescribed and booked us an appointment for tomorrow.

So, at this point, we're waiting to for tomorrow to see what is up. Dougie still isn't himself but he is eating and drinking again. The vomiting has stopped as well though we're still going through a lot of diapers. I thought I'd share a picture of the dots, in case anyone had any ideas.

Dots migrated to his hand today

Dots started on his tummy and back

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