Monday, January 5, 2009

Can You Hear Me Now?

Dougie's doctor asked us to bring him in to get his hearing testing. With his speech delays, he wanted to be sure that there wasn't something physically causing it. So, this morning we braved the icy rain and brought him in for a hearing test.

The test itself went quite quickly. The technician had him sit on my lap in a soundproof room with two speakers on either side of Dougie. First, she talked to him and watched for him to look at the speaker. After a few rounds of that, she played noises out of the speakers at different volumes. If he looked at the speaker, a toy inside lit up and moved. The entire test took less than 10 minutes.

After the test we waited around for what seemed to be forever for the doctor to come in and chat with us. He told us that Dougie measured within range. We expected that would be the case but it was very nice to have it confirmed.

So, now we know it's just regular old speech delay. Dougie is making progress on his speech already even after just a short time in speech therapy. He is definitely trying to say a lot more words and will even repeat back a two word phrase (though not spontaneous yet).


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