Friday, May 4, 2007

First Solids - Dougie Meets the Avocado

At our last doctor's appointment, he again mentioned that he thought starting Dougie on some solids would help with the reflux. We had originally planned to hold off solids until he was 6 months but the doctor said that based on his activity level and development, he is definitely ready. So, we decided we'd give it a whirl.

Yesterday, I spent a bit of time making baby food. We now have tons of avocado, sweet potato and banana cubes. We decided to start with the avocado since they are so high in calories and fat.

Getting ready for the first bite

Dougie helps get the first bite in

A lot didn't make it in

Daddy had a turn feeding as well

Edited to Add:

We did more avocado at dinner tonight and Dougie has found a way to help. He uses his fingers to pull the food off the spoon and put it in his mouth. It really is too cute. We'll try to get a video to you all can see it.

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