Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Puzzle

We got Dougie a new puzzle set. I thought it would teach him to make patterns but it turned out to be a bit different than I thought. So, now we're using it to teach shapes.

Dougie LOVES puzzles so it was no shock that he took to this right away. It's a very different type of puzzle than the other ones he has but he was so excited to try it. We spent a good while playing with it.

To start off, I gave Dougie the correct pieces to complete each puzzle and then he had to work out where they went.



There were lots of puzzle options and he was so thrilled to finish each one.


I tricked him a bit on the last one and gave him too many pieces. He was a bit confused by the extra circle but he managed to get it put together anyway.

(Note the extra circle location)

Two pieces left - only one spot

He was so excited when he finished.

(Please excuse the mess on his shirt - we did this right after dinner and there is yogurt all over him.)

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