Wednesday, June 17, 2009

SmILE Program

This week, Dougie started his group speech therapy program. He was initially a bit nervous about going but I walked him to the room and then he seemed happy to go in with the other kids. There are 4 children in the class, all boys. Interestingly, they are also all left handed.


This week, our theme is "At the Beach." We're working on beach based words - fish, sun, sand, wet, dry, dig, find, etc. Dougie did exceptionally well. He has a greater vocabulary (at least with beach words) than all but one child in the class though he is one of the hardest to understand.

The best part was that I was able to watch the entire class, except for gym, from behind one way glass. The program looks like it will be a great step for Dougie to get a bit more vocabulary. We continue with it until late July and then will determine if we should continue with it starting up in early August. We've now had our second apraxia diagnosis so it's possible we'll switch classes to something that will more directly address that need.

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